For Adults

Fencing is a sport that is surrounded by an air of inaccessibility and mystery for most of the people outside the fencing world. The mission of the Cleveland Fencing Academy is to make this unique and exciting sport accessible to the kids and adults of greater Cleveland alike while making sure the mystery never stops intriguing you!  

Fencing is a lifelong activity that can give you increased coordination, greater strength and endurance, fine-tuned balance, improved flexibility, sharper reflexes, better cardiovascular fitness, greater confidence, enhanced mental agility, improved self-discipline, and finally reduced stress levels. 

STRESS RELIEF is one of the phrases we hear frequently from adults who fence. You arrive at the club after an exhausting or stressful day. By the time you leave, you are drenched in sweat, mind clear, stress of the day gone. You’ve become completely immersed in the moment, mind focused –  It’s just not possible to think about other things when someone has a sword in your face and is challenging you!  You’ve had a great work-out, challenged yourself and didn’t even realize it. A lot of adult fencers tell us that they fly through their work day with the anticipation of an evening of good bouting!  

Coach Eric can attest that during the couple years of his most intense fencing in his early thirties, his mind was so clear during that work day that he was able to find a wife, grow his business, and travel the world, largely because whatever would go wrong during his work day could never compare to thought of losing a bout to lefty fellow fencer (and CSU coach) Andy Tulleners with his deep and threatening lunges.

FUN WORK-OUT. You’ll find yourself looking forward to coming in to fence and won’t think of it as a work out. Fencing is fun and challenging and you don’t realize the incredible work out you get as the time flies by.  You’ll be getting and staying in shape without having to get on a treadmill. You don’t have to be in great athletic shape to start, just have the desire to learn something new and you will progress in fitness and fencing at your own pace. Adults with extra weight who pick up fencing usually experience weight loss without even making a conscious effort! 

MENTAL EXERCISE. Fencing is frequently called “mental chess” and keeps your mind alert, active and always ready to quickly make critical thinking decisions.

INTERESTING PEOPLE. Yes, you will be meeting very interesting people when you start to fence, from many walks of life. You’ll make new friends usually out of your own social circle, and you’ll have an instant connection in common. In our club, our adult community is encouraging, helpful and a lot of fun. From the quiet introvert to the outspoken, it’s quite a mix. You don’t have to be the physical jock to have equal success in fencing. The thinker who can out-strategize has the same odds of success (if not better!)

Am I too old to start?

You might have wondered if it’s too late to give it a try. The answer is no, it’s not too late. In fact . . . picking up a sword as an adult is one of the best times to start fencing! For example, Coach Eric began in college.  Many good senior and veteran fencers picked up the sport from their kids (and even grandkids).  And don’t forget that there are tournaments on regional, national, and international levels for Over 40, Over 50, Over 60, Over 70!  Trust us, it is a great story to tell friends at the dinner table how you bouted in Orlando at Summer Nationals, or fenced for the US team at the Veteran Pan Am or World Games.  Many people return to fencing after college, while establishing careers, during or after raising a family – our coaches included. It doesn’t matter the timing when you start, fencing will get your mind and body moving in a fun and exciting way and reap huge rewards.